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Oakley Vale Primary School runs advice course for parents

Education welfare staff at Oakley Vale Primary School are running a free advice course based on the popular ‘1-2-3- Magic’ programme which promotes ‘calm, effective and happy’ parenting.

The school has previously run the course with parents from across Corby, but this one, starting in September, is specifically aimed at the parents and grandparents of their own students.

Devised by Dr Thomas Phelan, ‘1-2-3 Magic’ is the best-selling educational programme in America, and has also received rave reviews in the UK. It reinforces good behaviour and is effective when used consistently.

Mrs Baulch said: ‘Most parents welcome help and advice on parenting, they like the support. We are limiting space to just ten people so once they have enrolled we will work out the best times to run the sessions, which will be a couple of hours each time over the course of a few weeks.

‘The course is informal so there will be no writing, homework or having to do anything in class, but parents will be expected to put the advice into practice and will be encouraged to share their results with the group. If you stick to the programme you see really rapid results. It has been very effective because it gives no leeway to bad behaviour and we had very positive feedback from the previous cohort who saw a turnaround in behaviour at home.

‘Topics include: “Building a solid foundation for parenting”, “Controlling obnoxious behaviour”, “Encouraging good behaviour” and “Strengthening your relationship with your children”. It is all about happy children and happy parents. We also welcome grandparents as it has to be a whole family approach and the course helps to form a friendship and support network. The school is hoping to develop other courses so this may be part of a series that we offer.’

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