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Introducing Oakley Vale's new Head Boys and Head Girls

Congratulations to Emily, Rudra, Benjamin and Paris-Sky who have all been voted on to the Head Boy and Head Girl team at Oakley Vale Primary School.

Emily and Rudra are Head Girl and Head Boy respectively, while Paris-Sky and Benjamin are the deputies. They volunteered for the roles and had to talk in assembly about their ideas before they were voted in by their fellow students.

Head Girl Emily Wyllie Haynes said: ‘I wanted to be Head Girl because I want to improve the school like having more games at break-time and lunchtime. I am quite confident and I will get to show important visitors around I have been in the school since reception. The best thing about the school is the teachers are kind, they help you and it is a really good school. I’ve been class ambassador so I am happy showing people around and talking to them.’

Rudra Sharma, Head Boy said: ‘I love this school, it’s a really nice place and I want to improve it even though it is one of the best schools in the Trust. My idea is to try and get different books for each class and in the afternoon when everyone is free we could do something like a reading session. I’d like some more clubs, like maths or English club.

‘I told the children that I would improve the school, I am a very good role model and have had lots of jobs  like on the School Council, Standards Committee, Class Ambassador, Sports Crew, Reading Ambassador and in the Press team so I really like getting involved.

‘The best thing about this school is that it is a very good learning environment and I definitely feel safe and happy at school.’

Deputy Head Girl Paris-Sky Pickering said: ‘I really want to bring happiness to the school with clubs and make it a happy place to be. The school is a lovely place. The best thing are the activities we do and everybody feels equal, no-one gets treated unfairly. I am a lunchtime buddy so there is lots of opportunity for volunteering and getting involved.’

Benjamin Markie, the Deputy Head Boy, said: ‘I have got lots of ideas, including maybe putting a drawing table outside as I like art. I prepared quite a lot to talk in front of the audience. I have been  class ambassador and a lunchtime buddy so I think I am a good role model.’

Principal Miss Goodwin said: ‘The children presented to the whole school and had to think about what they could offer the school, what responsibilities they could take on and why they should have the position. They were really confident and were pleased afterwards that they had done it.  

‘We have had a meeting and discussed some of the jobs the children will be doing like showing our guests around as it is the children’s opportunity to share what life at Oakley Vale is all about. If we have any interviews the children meet candidates and give us feedback so we can get students’ views. We are talking about initiatives such as making playtimes a bit more interesting. There’s lots of things on offer at lunchtime but not so much at break-time, so the children want to set up different things.

‘We are building on the work of last year’s Head Boys and Head Girls who set up the buddy bench where, if children are feeling a bit lonely on the playground, they  sit and people can join them and make friends. We now want to think about what this team can introduce as their legacy to the school.’

Emily, Rudra, Miss Goodwin, Benjamin and Paris-Sky.


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