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‘Beyond the Classroom’ lecture series starts at CTS

Staff at Corby Technical School have signed up to deliver a series of lectures to share knowledge ‘Beyond the Classroom’.

The first lecture, on the psychology of learning, proved popular with students and staff, and other topics including art symbolism and the space race, will feature in future sessions.

The lecture series is being co-ordinated by English teacher Roisin Fenner, who gave a three quarter hour long talk on ‘Learning How You Learn’. Everyone is welcome to attend and it is hoped that the talks, which takes place after school on Wednesdays, will help students make links between their academic work and the topics covered.

Miss Fenner said: ‘The series came about as we had the Trust training day where Christine Counsell was talking about schema, or ways in which people  think, and it was a perfect launch topic. We will have lectures every three to six weeks. Our staff have an incredible amount of knowledge on topics including music and film production for example. Mr Gourlay is going to do a lecture on the space race and the impact of technology while Miss Morgan is signed up to lecture on Christianity in the art of Van Gogh, so it is things our students wouldn’t necessarily learn in a “normal” lesson.

‘Today’s lecture was based around retrieving knowledge and how people can struggle to retain knowledge if they don’t make connections in their head. It is really important to have a wide range of things that your bring together in order to retrieve information, such as memory palace techniques. The idea is that this is a taster lecture so hopefully it will grow in popularity and attendance over the coming months.’

The lectures run for about three quarters of an hour after school and everyone is welcome to attend. The next one will take place on 19 February. Anna Jenkins, CTS's assistant principal, music and English teacher, is lecturing on Music and Emotion and will explore the emotional connections humans have with music.

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