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Beanfield Primary School receives the Bronze TaMHS Award

Congratulations to the team at Beanfield Primary for securing the bronze Targeted Mental Health in Schools award!

The Wellbeing Team in Beanfield Primary School have been working hard over the last year to provide wellbeing and mental health support to pupils, despite challenges with Covid-19 restrictions.

In order to gain the accreditation, the Wellbeing Team had to demonstrate that they had developed provision across the whole school to enhance children’s mental health. This is now a priority area on the school’s development plan for next year.

The Wellbeing Team comprises three full-time colleagues led by Sarah Fleming (Safeguarding and Behaviour Manager/Senior Leader), along with Callum Reilly (Education Welfare Officer) and Debbie Smith (Wellbeing Mentor). An Outdoor Wellbeing Mentor, Sharon Sloan, will also be joining the team shortly. All colleagues hold qualifications as Children’s and Adult Mental Health First Aiders and have completed the Place2Be Mental Health Champions course.

Sarah describes the ethos of the team is to ‘empower children to look after their mental health by learning how they can understand, discuss and process their feelings and emotions.’ Sarah describes the importance of listening with regard to mental health. The Wellbeing Team make it extremely clear to all pupils that their voices will be heard by whichever member of staff they feel comfortable talking with.

The Team is located in a central part of the school and operates an open-door policy to encourage pupils to come to them if they want to discuss their concerns or worries. The Team lead on whole-school initiatives, such as activities and assemblies to promote the importance of mental health and to let pupils know they are there if they are needed. Sometimes this includes working with external partners and other Brooke Weston Trust colleagues on specialist areas.

All staff are reminded of their responsibility to listen to pupils’ concerns and are also aware that pupils can be referred to the Wellbeing Team if further support is required.

Staff wellbeing is also a key priority for the school – all colleagues have access to the Health Assured Programme; 2x Adult Mental Health First Aiders can be accessed on site; access to the Wellbeing Team for any concerns; access to subsidised lunches.

Sarah added that she hopes from all the hard work of the Wellbeing Team, both pupils and staff know where they can go to access the help and support they need.

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