KSA Celebrates Share-A-Story Month

KSA’s primary pupils spread their love of reading during a number of activities to mark National Share-A-Story Month.
The primary phase’s celebration of storytelling culminated with a visit from performer Tricia George, who delivers storytelling and dance workshops. She combined Jamaican Soca dancing, Nigerian stories and a host of other tales to enthral and entertain pupils from all year groups. Using costumes, movement and imaginative scenarios, she brought her stories to life and got pupils involved as her tales unfolded.
In other Share-A-Story activities, pupils heard stories from the Academy’s librarians and other class teachers. A buddy reader scheme was also introduced, with pupils in Year 6 listening to younger children read to help them improve.
Shannon Garrett in Year 6 was among those who teamed up with Year 2 children to assist them. She said: “Not only do you get to know Year 2, but you get to help them too. If they get stuck on a word, you can help them and they start to understand.”
A whole-school book swap proved to be popular, with many pupils bringing in books from home to share with others. It gave pupils a chance to read stories they wouldn’t normally choose.
Librarian Heidi Economou said: “We sent a letter home explaining to parents what we would be doing as part of Share-A-Story Month and how they could help by encouraging their children to read to them or vice versa. However, sharing stories doesn’t always mean reading from a book; it could mean sharing memories or old stories.
“We had lots of pupils participating in the book swap and they were talking about the books as they handed them over to their friends. That’s what it’s all about – having conversations about books and stories.”