CEO on tour – Peckover Primary

Brooke Weston Trust's CEO, Dr Andrew Campbell, was shown around Peckover Primary School by classroom ambassadors who told him about the topics they are currently studying.
Dr Campbell visited as part of his ongoing tour of all Brooke Weston Trust schools, and he saw the immersive classrooms and even got to hold a week-old chick. Principal Carrie Norman accompanied him as he saw around themed classrooms on topics as diverse as seaside holidays, farming, knights and castles, the Titanic and the Island with Bear Grylls. He saw an interactive demonstration of the relative size of the universe with fruit representing the planets in a line that stretched from the classroom way out into the playground to represent the vast intergalactic distances between them.
Finally he met with members of the Student Council who explained how they give feedback and input on topics as diverse as lesson observation, uniform and tidiness around the school.
Afterwards he said: ‘This was a really valuable insight into the everyday working of a vibrant primary school. The classroom ambassadors were very knowledgeable and welcoming and I had a wide-ranging discussion with members of the student council who were articulate. All the students and staff that I met were very enthusiastic and proud of their school.’
For a full gallery of pictures from the tour click here.