Brooke Weston Trust A-Level Results

Brooke Weston Trust schools are celebrating their best ever A-Level examination results.
Brooke Weston Academy’s Principal, Trish Stringer, described 2015 as ‘a landmark year for our A Level results’ with students celebrating the best-ever A Level examination results. An unprecedented six students secured a place at Oxbridge and very many others places at Russell Group universities. It is also the sixth consecutive year that students have performed at an outstanding level, with an average score indicating that, on average, students achieved three ‘A’ grades each. A number of other students have also secured highly coveted apprenticeships at multinational companies, including the National Grid. “[This] not only shows the dedication and commitment that this cohort of students has put in to their Sixth Form studies, but demonstrates the exceptional level of teaching and learning evident at Brooke Weston on a daily basis.”
Kettering Science Academy (graded ‘Good’ for Sixth Form provision recently during an Ofsted Inspection) is thrilled to have achieved a pass rate of 99% for all A2 examinations and 100% for all BTEC courses. Principal Paul Davies said: “Students have been working hard to achieve their predicted grades and these results further illustrate the successes of our Sixth Form and the very strong teaching and the support we offer to help students be prepared for the next steps into further education and apprenticeships.”
Corby Business Academy is also celebrating the best A Level results day in the school’s history. CBA Executive Principal John Henrys said: “This year we have seen a significant increase in the number of students achieving the highest grades and an increase in the students’ average point scores… [T]hey are testament to all the hard work that students and staff have invested in their subjects over the past two years.” This year’s AS results are also amongst the best in the Academy’s history and feature outstanding performances in a number of subjects, including Business, English Literature, History, Media, Travel and Tourism and Sport.
Thomas Clarkson Academy Principal Clare Claxton, is also “delighted” with the school’s set of A Level results which has seen 86% of Year 13 A Level students gaining three A*-E grades - a 19% increase from last year’s results. This is the first year TCA has had results as a standalone Sixth Form, following a former partnership with the College of West Anglia. Mrs Claxton said: “Results have been good across the range of subjects which demonstrates the great teaching expertise we have here at TCA.”
Collectively, these results represent the best post-16 performance Brooke Weston Trust has ever seen. Dr Campbell, Chief Executive, said: “The Board of the Brooke Weston Trust are delighted to see the excellent academic standards being set by Brooke Weston Academy and the consistent trend of improvement in all our sponsor academies. As always, we must pay tribute to the dedication, hard work, aspiration and commitment of the students, the quality teaching of our staff and the continued support of our families. Students have earned their success today and on behalf of everyone at Brooke Weston Trust, I would like to wish everyone the best of luck for the future.”