BWT students visit Kidzania

Students from secondary schools across the Brooke Weston Trust gained hands-on experience of a variety of careers in a child-sized city where young people are in charge.
Nearly 50 of our Year 9 students explored the world of KidZania in London which is designed to be a city just for children and young people with its own economy, business and training opportunities.
The students could visit more than 60 different real life role play situations by themselves, including the Aviation Academy, a police station, a television station and a hospital, to learn about life and work.
Corby Business Academy Director of Computer Science Kamruz Zaman said: “KidZania is a recreation of a real life city just for young people and it contains a whole range of businesses from supermarkets to Cadbury’s World, Renault, H&M and Al Jazeera.
“It also contains its own football stadium, theatre, bank and university
“There were lots of exciting opportunities inside. For example, in the British Airways area there is a life like flight simulator experience.
“The students can see what activities are available in each workplace. In some cases they received KidZania dollars for taking part in the activities and in other cases they had to use their KidZania dollars to pay for the activities.
“The students could set up a bank account at the KidZania bank and could decide what they would spend their money on – just like in real life.
“They could also choose to use some of their KidZania dollars to pay for courses at the KidZania university and once they completed their diplomas they found that they were paid more for the activities in the work places.
“There was a really good range of careers and the experience taught the students a lot. They really enjoyed it.”
Students from Corby Business Academy, Corby Technical School, Brooke Weston Academy, Kettering Science Academy and Thomas Clarkson Academy went on the trip.
(Corby Business Academy students are pictured in KidZania’s Formula 1 area)