First ever Brooke Weston Trust Sport Awards

It’s just three weeks until the first ever Brooke Weston Trust Sports Awards.
Students from across the trust’s ten schools will be recognised for their sporting achievement at the ceremony which is being held at The Core Theatre in Corby on May 6th at 2.30pm.
There are six awards categories and sports staff from across the primary and secondary schools have been nominating students for the trophies.
A panel of independent judges will decide the winners who will receive their trophies at the ceremony on May 6th.
The categories are: Team of the Year, Sportsman of the Year, Sportswoman of the Year, Outstanding Contribution Award, Sports Leader and Participation and Achievement Award.
BWT’s Director of Sport Kirsty Smith, who has organised the event, said: “This year we have launched a sports strategy across our Trust schools which aims to celebrate success and raise inclusion and participation levels.
“As part of this, students across the year groups and key stages have taken part in a number of sports festivals and we have also launched our Sports Ambassador programme, which involves sporty students become advocates for their sport to their peers.
“The Sports Awards is a way for the Trust to recognise the successes of our students and school teams, of which they have been many this year.”
Students and their families will be informed next week if they have been nominated.