Sports leaders run Panathlon event at Brooke Weston Academy
Brooke Weston Academy students ran a series of sports activities for disabled youngsters in an event run by disability charity Panathlon.
Around 75 students from Corby Business Academy, Friars, Isebrook, and Billing Brook schools took part, trying different sports including polybat, kurling, boccia and table cricket.
Brooke Weston sports leaders from Years 8 and 9 prepared by taking part in a training session to become familiar with the rules of each sport. During the event they acted as timekeepers and referees and ran the matches.
Chris James, from Panathlon, said: “We are a growing charity and the focus is on providing competitive sports and events for students with severe learning difficulties and physical impairments. The idea is that these students will practice these sports in their school’s PE lessons and then compete in mainstream schools. The sports leader from Brooke Weston are learning co-operation, teamwork and the rules of the different sports. Hopefully they will be able to help out at other events in the future.”