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Best ever A level results for Corby Business Academy

Corby Business Academy has had its best ever set of A Level results with the number of A* to B grades being achieved at A level rising by nine per cent this year.

The overall pass rate (grades A* to E) was up by 7 per cent, to 96 percent.

Standout subjects for the number of A and B grades achieved include history and English literature.

CBA Principal John Henrys said: “Overall there has been an increase on the grades last year across the board, with a significant increase in students getting the higher grades in A2 courses.

“Level 3 vocational subjects have also performed well, with a significant number of students achieving Merits and Distinctions.

“There have been some good individual performances from the students.

“The improvement in outcomes is testament to the hard work and dedication of both the students and staff over the last two years.

“Students and staff have worked closely to overcome any hurdles along the way and as a result of this hard work a significant number of students have secured their places at university.

“I would like to take this opportunity to wish the students the best of luck with their future endeavors.”

Prestigious destinations include Sheffield University, Loughborough University, Nottingham University and Leicester University.

Julia Marques-Pike is currently considering an offer to study maths at Sheffield University.

The student who achieved chemistry (A) core Maths (A) media (B) public services – Level 3 (Distinction) said: “It has been a lot of hard work, but if you don’t put it in then you won’t get the grades.

“I am really pleased and cannot wait to start university life. I am going to follow a career within a maths related field, I am just not sure as yet which path to choose.”

Charlotte Bean, is also off to Sheffield University to study English and history.

After achieving history (A) media (A) English literature (B) she received a text from the university first thing this morning offering her a place.

She said: “I will be sad to leave the school as I have had a great time here and have had some fantastic teaching and support. I am looking forward to the future and hope to go on to teach.”

Fraser Gillan will be studying Aeronautical Engineering at Loughborough University. The student who studied maths, physics and further maths was delighted  to get a place at his first choice despite just missing out on the grades originally needed.
He said: “The 45 minutes wait this morning has felt like the longest of my life, but the email I received was the best yet.

“The Loughborough course is one of the top ten in the country so I am really thrilled to be doing it. I have to thank the school for helping me to achieve my dreams.”

James Fyvie gained history (A), English (B) maths (D) and business (Distinction) Level 3. He is thrilled to have a place Leicester University to study History.

He said: “It feels good when you put the work in and get the reward. I think I will miss CBA a lot.”

Nathan Chen, Ivo Silva and Ashley Aitken were all smiles as they opened their results envelopes.

Nathan will now study at accountancy at Leicester De Montfort, Ivo is heading to Bedfordshire University to study Business and Ashley will be getting to grips with computer system engineering at Nottingham Trent University.

Catherine Grant and Natalie Watson are taking a year off before continuing their studies. Catherine who gained fantastic grades - psychology (A), history (B) and businessp(Distinction *) has offers from Leeds University and Nottingham University. Natalie, who plans to study criminology, gained public services (Distinction *), sport (Distinction) and IT (Merit).

Shona McKinnon, who got three B grade passes, has been accepted by her first choice Nottingham University to study psychology.

She said: "I was so relieved to have secured a place on my first course choice. I was a little disappointed with the B grades as had hoped for some As but I have been accepted where I wanted to go."

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