Brooke Weston celebrates best-ever A Level results

Brooke Weston is celebrating its Sixth Form's best-ever A Level exam results with 69% of all exams taken being awarded one of the top grades of A*, A or B.
Scores improved by all measures over last year with the average point score per entry reaching its highest level ever attained in the history of the Academy.
Each student gained an average points total of more than three A Levels at A Grade or equivalent. The top-performing student achieved no less than four A* and one A grade while another achieved three A* grades. Many others were awarded exceptional individual results and all subjects had a 100% pass rate. One Year 11 student sat the A Level Maths exam two years earlier than normal and achieved an A* grade.
Boys and girls performed equally well across the board in the 30 subjects offered in Brooke Weston’s Sixth Form.
Over 80% of the Year 13s are moving on to University with the remainder undertaking employment or a Gap Year. An impressive range of prestigious university places have been secured including Medicine at Cambridge, Maths at Durham, Dentistry at King's College, London, Law at Sussex, Sport at Loughborough and Zoology at Manchester.
- 69% of all entries were graded at A*/A or B (64% last year)
- 44% of all entries were graded A*/A
- Average points score per entry increased to 99 (98 previous highest)
- 100% pass rate for all subject areas
- The average points total per student is equivalent to each student achieving more than 3 A Grades at A Level
- 135 students sat A Levels this year
Principal Trish Stringer said, 'Once again our students have done themselves, and us, proud. This is a stunning set of results that ends a particularly successful year for the Academy. We are proud of our thriving Sixth Form which offers students every support and encouragement and the students, in turn, have delivered these fantastic results. I am always extremely grateful for the high levels of dedication teachers extend to all students at Brooke Weston. I am particularly delighted that so many prestigious University places have been achieved in such a wide range of courses which reflects exceptionally well on the quality of careers guidance and the maturity of student decision making.'
'Each and every one of our students, whatever their individual aims and aspirations, has performed superbly and I can confidently wish them all the very best in their future lives and careers.'