GCSE Provisional Results 2019
At Brooke Weston Trust we are extremely proud of the positive impact our inclusive and aspirational approach is making to the life chances of thousands of young people, mostly in areas with historically low social mobility.
Demand for places at our secondary schools has never been higher. Today, as every day, we celebrate the continued improvements of our schools, the commitment of our staff and the achievements of our students. We are completely committed to providing ‘ambition for all’ across the communities we serve.
School league tables are important, but they never give the whole picture of what any school does, especially if it is deeply inclusive – for example, the results include the achievements of Corby Business Academy’s SEN students, whose peers are educated in separate special schools and are not measured in this way at all. That said, we are particularly delighted with the GCSE attainment and progress performance by students at both Brooke Weston Academy and Corby Technical School, and to see the ongoing improvement in all our schools in maths and English attainment – those most important ‘tickets for life’ that are vital to future success. We are also pleased to note that the progress made by students at Thomas Clarkson Academy in Wisbech is above the national average for the second year running.
Brooke Weston Trust is proud of every one of our young people for their efforts last summer and we are over the moon that so many of them choose to stay with us and continue their journey in our growing and thriving sixth form provision.
Andrew Campbell
CEO – Brooke Weston Trust