Here's some of CBA's top achievers
Congratulations to all the students from Corby Business Academy who are celebrating their GCSE exam results today. Here’s what some of our top performing students are doing next:
Dylan Byrne gained 100% 9-5/A*-C grades in 11 subjects including a B in statistics and 7s in computer science, geography, mathematics and physics and a Distinction in music. He said: ' I am pleased that I have achieved the results I needed to stay at CBA to study my A levels. I am hoping to take business, further mathematics, mathematics and physics in the hope of going into a career in engineering.’
Elan Southwick gained 11 GCSEs including 8s in physics, mathematics and chemistry, and a 7 in biology. He said: ‘I am really happy with my results as I would like to go into the sports industry and have achieved what I needed to study biology, further mathematics and mathematics at A level. Thank you to all my teachers for pushing me to do my best.'
Christopher Williamson gained 100% 9-5/A*-C grades in 11 subjects including a 9 in mathematics, and an A in statistics. He said: ‘ I am pleased with my results and they are better than I expected. I am going to study my A levels at CBA and hope to take business, further mathematics, mathematics and physics and then go on to study mathematics at university. Thank you to my parents for all their support.’
Mila Kiminska gained 100% 9-6/A*-B grades
in 12 subjects including an A* in Polish, and an 8 in history. She said: I am pleased with my results, especially history. I am now going to study biology, chemistry, mathematics and psychology at A level. I would like to thank my friend Paula as we helped to support each other through our studies.’
Tai Hudson gained GCSEs in 11 subjects including an A in statistics and Bs in resistant materials and business. He said: ‘ I am happy with my results and achieved a higher grade in English than I expected. I am now going to continue to study my A levels at CBA, studying biology, business, mathematics and BTEC sport. I would love to go into a career in the business and finance Sector. I would like to say thank you to Miss Scullion for all her help and support.’