BWT submits application to open a new school in Wisbech

The Brooke Weston Trust today announced that it has submitted an application to the Department for Education to open a new school.
The new school will be part of the Brooke Weston Trust and join the Trust’s existing academies operating across Fenland and Northamptonshire. The next stage in the application process is for the project team to be invited to attend an interview with the Department for Education. If they are successful, the free school is likely to open in 2020.
Dr Andrew Campbell, CEO of the Brooke Weston Trust, said: “Education in Fenland is a top priority for the Trust and a new school in Wisbech is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to achieve a first-class education solution for the area. If successful, we propose that the new school has a specialism in science and mathematics and it would embody our Trust values of providing an excellent education for every child, regardless of their starting point. It would also complement the education offer we already have in Thomas Clarkson Academy and Peckover Primary Schools, which are both going from strength to strength with very clear plans and aspirations for the future.
“I would like to thank the community for their involvement in our consultation process which has allowed us to pinpoint what local stakeholders expect and deserve from a 21st century school. We have a proven track record in delivering multi-million pound and outstanding schools so we are very excited about this proposal and its potential.”
Sigrun Olafsdottir, Chief Operating Officer of New Schools Network, said: “The application process to set up a free school is extremely rigorous and time consuming, so it is a testament to Brooke Weston Trust’s hard work that they have reached this stage. This is particularly true in this round of free school applications, which explicitly targets areas of greatest need.
“There are over 700 free school open or approved to open, creating more than 400,000 new school places when full. They are the top performing type of state school at key stages 1, 4 and 5. They are also more likely to be rated Outstanding by Ofsted.”
To find out more about the bid, or to access our stakeholder surveys, click here.