Profile of Beena Sisodia, BWA's newest Vice Principal

Brooke Weston Academy’s newest Vice Principal, Beena Sisodia, is looking forward to the challenges of her job in the senior leadership team, with responsibility for student care, safeguarding, attendance and behaviour.
She has been a successful senior leader in two challenging inner city schools so brings a wealth of experience to Brooke Weston Academy.
Prior to joining Brooke Weston Academy Beena was a Deputy Principal in an urban inner city school in London. Her leadership, together with the improvements she had made to the academy’s personal development programme, were recognised by Ofsted in 2017. She has already worked closely with Principal Pete Kirkbride, Vice Principal Rebecca Waterson and Senior Assistant Principal Peter Davies in a previous school, and so is looking forward to resuming those professional relationships, as well as building links with the existing VP team and Brooke Weston staff.
Beena said: ‘I’m really excited about being a part of the Brooke Weston team. The academy’s vision is one that sits close to my heart. When I was at school I always knew that, whatever career I pursued, I wanted to give something back. The sole purpose of entering education was to help every student in my reach to meet their potential in order to open up a lifetime of opportunities. I thrive on making a difference and I am fully committed to transforming the lives of young people and enhancing their life chances.’
Beena has been in teaching for 19 years and has led student care for 14 years in varying roles from Head of Year to KS4 lead, assistant principal and deputy principal. Her subject specialism is business and she will teach two Year 10 classes alongside her VP responsibilities. ‘It is really important as a leader that you have that connection in the classroom and not lose sight of those key ingredients and the bread and butter of what we do that transforms young people’s lives.
‘We have fantastic students at Brooke Weston Academy and, since January, I have really loved getting to know them, working with them and supporting them. I have a great student care team who are brilliant and absolutely know the young people in the school. They know who their complex and vulnerable students are and also who the high flyers are. Together as a team we are deeply committed to providing an exceptional holistic approach to our students’ development, helping them to achieve, not only academic success, but also encouraging self-confidence, resilience and respect for others to become valued members of society.’
Beena is really excited about her new role at the academy where she will use all of her previous experience to exceed Brooke Weston’s already established high expectations: ‘I am clear about my vision of wanting to create an outstanding student care system and where I want my areas of responsibility to develop. Pete is really keen about making sure that all our systems are current, relevant and meeting all the requirements that we need to fulfil.’