First Specialist Leader of Education for TCA
The head of TCA’s humanities department is looking forward to working with other schools in the area to improve outcomes for students after being designated a Specialist Leader of Education.
In her new role, Cathy Abrahams will support A Level history teachers at a number of schools to help develop the capacity of other leaders in order to improve practice.
Specialist Leaders of Education are part of a government programme targeting school improvement and ensuring experienced leaders have an impact beyond their own schools.
Mrs Abrahams, who will remain in her current role at TCA, is the first teacher at the Academy to achieve SLE status.
As part of the rigorous application process, Mrs Abrahams had to demonstrate the impact she has made in improving outcomes at A Level. Since she was appointed as Head of Humanities three years ago, the percentage of A* - C grades achieved in A Level history has been 100%. At Mrs Abrahams’ previous school, she helped to achieve equally impressive results in GCSE history – 92% at A* - C grades, with 39% A* or A grade.
Now, as a Fenland A Level subject expert, Mrs Abrahams will work with humanities teachers at other Fenland schools to support the delivery of A Level history.
She will share best practice and resources, offer guidance and mentor staff. The aim is for the four schools to work as a network and to become a hub of best practice in this subject area.
Mrs Abrahams said: 'I’m looking forward to the opportunity to be able to work with colleagues from other Fenland schools and to help have a positive impact on outcomes. Hopefully we can replicate the good work we’ve accomplished here, in other schools. TCA will also benefit as we’ll have SLEs from other Fenland schools coming here too.
'If I can demonstrate high expectations and ambition for myself, that’s such a positive message for our students. I want our students to be proud of the leaders and staff at their school, as we are of them.
'For me, it's all about the students. Whatever decision I make is based on what is best for them. We have to keep reminding our students how amazing they are and instilling that self-belief in them.'
Associate Principal Richard Scott commented: 'It is fabulous for the school to have its first SLE and it is a testament to Cathy’s dedication and hard work. I am also pleased that she will be able to share her deep knowledge and expertise with other schools for the benefit of other students in the area.'