Oakley Vale Primary marks its anniversary
Oakley Vale Primary School celebrated its ten year anniversary with an afternoon of songs, poems, maypole dancing, a raffle and cake stall.
Hundreds of parents came along to attend the event, as did all four special guests, who have all served as Chairs of Governors in the school's history. A commemorative mosaic has been erected in the playground with the school's values on it – opportunity, challenge, collaboration and ambition.
Vice Principal Katie Mason said: ‘Year 2s did a lovely maypole dance at the beginning to a really funky song. Reception class sang a song and did a poem. Years 1,2,3 and 4 all sang songs and Year 5s did a poem. It has been a really good turn out and obviously the weather is lovely. The PTA has been involved in it all and has helped out with refreshments so it has been a great afternoon of celebration to round off the term.’
Principal Emma Goodwin said: ‘It has gone really well and I am really proud of everybody. There has been some lovely singing and our first attempt at maypole dancing has been really successful! We will seriously consider buying a maypole as this one has kindly been lent to us by Weldon Primary School. The children have thoroughly enjoyed it. We need to maintain the tradition. It has really been nice to see that children, who may find other things more difficult have really taken to it and it has given them lots of confidence.’
The Head Boy and Head Girl and their Deputies are pictured with the Chairs of Governors. (from left): Mark Gilding, Stephen Prati (current Chair), Andy Cuddihy and Phil Ewers (Chair of shadow Governing Body that built the school). They said: ‘It has been great returning to the school to see how it has developed over time.’
Thanks to everyone who came along to support the event.
To see more photos click here.
From left: Mark Gilding, Stephen Prati (current chair), Andy Cuddihy and Phil Ewers (founding Chair).