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Handover of Peckover Pre-school

Carrie Norman, the Principal of Peckover Primary School has officially been handed the keys of the school’s new pre-school building.

The purpose-built facility ,which opens in September, will cater for up to 52 three and four-year-olds and have a breakfast club and after-school provision. It will open for 48 weeks a year and run a holiday club outside of the school term. An extension has also been added to the existing school to provide a ‘nurture base’ for pastoral work with students and their parents.

Delegates, including members of the Trust central team, county council representatives, school staff, the Chair of Governors and constructors Carter toured the wooden-clad building before the handover ceremony.

Brooke Weston Trust’s Primary Executive Principal Leyton Smith said: ‘It is an amazing resource. The students are going to have a great start to their education. The building is really high quality. Time and effort has been put into thinking it through so that the finished product not only looks good, but you can see why decisions have been made. It will be amazing when the furniture and resources are installed and we know the great work that Carrie and her team do at Peckover.’

David Oliver, Chair of Governors, said: ‘The contractor has done a brilliant job. The design of it is fantastic and I think it is going to be one of the best pre-schools in the Wisbech area. It is something we have always needed this side of the river.’

Sam McGovern, nursery manager said: ‘We are very excited about this. We have got so many families with nursery aged children who can’t take them to nursery because the location is so far. It is going to make such a difference to our families and the builders have been amazing.’

Mrs Norman thanked everyone involved in the process, including Jo German from Cambridgeshire County Council, Peckover staff, members of the Trust Central Team and building contractors.

Jo German, education capital projects officer at the county council said: ‘In Wisbech, certainly this side of the river, there was virtually no pre-school provision so on the basis of that, the need for more early years places and the need to support parents, we felt that this was the right place to put a pre-school. It is great talking to the team, they are so excited about starting in September. I have had huge confidence in the ability of your team to deliver this and what you have produced is amazing. It is a partnership - the local authority working really well with the Brooke Weston Trust.’

Tim Laws, Senior Operations Manager for the Trust said: ‘The school has had such high aspirations for what they wanted, so the ability to combine all three projects, the pre-school, the car park  and the nurture base into one overall project has allowed us to deliver it with much better value and better quality overall, rather than approach it piecemeal and end up with something perhaps not as co-ordinated. It has been part of a mini-masterplan in terms of developing the campus over a two or three year period. It is the vision that the school has had for what they want, combined with Estates Director Matt Isherwood’s support, to turn that into reality. It is a real legacy and something we are very proud of.’

To see a photo gallery of the building projects click  here.

For more details on the pre-school, structure and pricing please contact the school directly.

Principal Carrie Norman and representatives from the County Council, Carters, school and Trust at the key handover.


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