Trust Governor Training Takes Place

A programme of training sessions has been implemented to develop governors’ understanding of the vital role they play in the successful management of their school.
A programme of training sessions has been implemented to develop governors’ understanding of the vital role they play in the successful management of the Trust’s schools.
The first workshop, which took place on Wednesday 11th September, was well attended by governors from each school and focussed on what Ofsted inspectors look at when assessing a school.
Governors were informed of the key areas and performance figures that they should be aware of when questioning senior leadership teams. They also gained an understanding of what progress and attainment is required in a particular subject.
Governors then completed a number of exercises and watched a clip of a good teaching lesson to highlight what they need to be looking for during Learning Walks.
Feedback from governors about the workshop was extremely positive, with more training events to take place later in the year. An online area is being developed to provide governors with up-to-date resources and documents to assist them further in their role.