Brooke Weston Trust’s mission is ‘to transform educational performance in the communities where we work through our long-term commitment to improving student achievement by removing the barriers to learning and providing opportunities for personal development.’ The intent of our curriculum in every academy is to deliver on this purpose. The implementation and impact of our curriculum in each academy is continuously under review as we develop it to meet the changing needs of our students and overcome barriers to learning in the communities we serve.
We are passionate and unrelenting in our desire to give all our students the best start in life academically and as citizens. Above all, we want them to be highly literate and numerate, able to access all the learning necessary to prepare them for a complex, changing, technological and competitive world. We want all our students to be ambitious for themselves and about their futures, whatever their starting point. We will provide the quality of opportunity, care and challenge vital for them to realise their ambitions.
In our academies there is a strong culture of positive relationships built on core principles of ‘the Brooke Weston Way’. Click here for the ‘BWT Way’ brochure. We will know all our students well and care about them enough to challenge them enough. We want all our students to be healthy and happy. We want them to be confident and skilled communicators with the core values to make good choices and build successful relationships with others from similar and different backgrounds. To do this, we must provide them with the breadth of cultural capital to be responsible and tolerant individuals who make a positive contribution to society.
The Brooke Weston Trust is committed to fairness, equality and inclusivity in its curriculum provision across its academies and fully abides by the provisions as set out in the Equality Act (2010) and Public Sector Equality Duty (2011).